Saturday, November 30, 2019
Research Paper on Same-Sex Marriage Essay Example
Research Paper on Same-Sex Marriage Essay Same-Sex Marriage Research Paper Homosexual relationships have been known for centuries, and even in the ancient world, such relationships have been commonly accepted. Still, the question whether it is natural or not, and whether the society should accept such relationships as normal, is a question with no certain answer. Another burning issue, which is especially heatedly discussed due to the recent changes in the legislation of different countries, is whether same-sex marriage should be legalized. The question of the essence of marriage is so heatedly protected by various groups due to its initial sacred meaning and the common understanding of a family as a union of two people of the opposite sex. Thus, the legitimacy and the general value of a homosexual family are controversial to the very essence of nature and religious preaches. Moreover, there is a growing concern whether homosexuality is a result of nature or nurture and thus does it threaten the human society as a limit to the normal family formation and child-bearing. We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Same-Sex Marriage specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Same-Sex Marriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Research Paper on Same-Sex Marriage specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Because human nature is still generally unknown and is a secret even to the scientists, the questions emerging from such obscure areas are treated with hostility. The question is how long will it take for the humanity to solve the questions of private and public concern, and will there ever be any consent among the people around the world on such delicate matters. Same-sex marriage history The history of same marriage battles of the XXth century is a succession of the heated debates pro and con the issue, with both minor and serious victories from either side. According to Glenn Timeline, the first case of same-sex couples seeking marriage licenses and other rights was on May 18, 1970, when Jack Baker, a student at University of Minnesota, unsuccessfully applies for a marriage license with his lover Jim McConnell. They do, however, manage to file joint tax returns in 1972 and 1973.†The same source states that on October 10th, 1987 the first large public same-sex wedding took place. Approximately two thousand same-sex couples are `married’ in a mass wedding on the steps of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, DC on October 10. The ceremony is part of the 1987 March on Washington activities dramatizing the tax benefits for married people that lesbian and gay couples are denied.†The impact of other countries on the recognition of the same-sex marriage was also quite impressive, with several countries accepting such relationships as normal. For example, Holland was the first country to expand its definition of marriage to include both opposite-sex and same-sex couples in April 2001. Belgium followed it in January 2003. Next was Ontario, a province in Canada in June 2003. By November 2004, same-sex marriage had become available in most Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Ontario, Quebec Saskatchewan) and one territory (Yukon). According to the statistics, over 82% of Canadian same-sex couples were able to marry in their province afterward. When federal law C-38 was signed into law on the 20th of July 2005, same-sex marriage theoretically became available across all of Canada. However, Prince Edward Island ignored the civil rights of same-sex couples and refused to issue marriage licenses to them for almost a month. Spain passed a law allowing same-sex couples to marry on the 29th of June 2005. Factors influencing public opinion Most people realize same-sex marriage is a reality, but it is quite difficult to recognize whether it is natural. Amy Hess, in her statement â€Å"Three Reasons To Pass A Constitutional Ban on Same-Sex Marriage,†claims that: â€Å"There are plenty of people who believe that gay and lesbian sexual relationships are just as legitimate, natural and healthy as heterosexual relationships. This belief, however, has been widely promoted by homosexual activists and does not have the scientific backing that supporters argue.†There is neither support pro nor con the fact that gays are born, and the sexual orientation is not a result of some psychological or pathological influence. The background of this distinction is too obscure, and that is what scares most people of heterosexual orientation. People are scared their children may fall victims of such psychological influence and, as a result, the whole society would suffer the non-traditional relationships that, in fact, are unable to produce descendants. Procreation is, actually, one of the most significant reasons while most people consider same-sex relationships to be unnatural. The question, too, is mixed and influenced by two ideas: first, that the homosexual relationships are non-standard and unnatural, and secondly, whether the recognition of such relationships as a marital union would not contradict the standard notion of marriage. It is commonly known that the key argument in support of same-sex marriage is that laws banning same-sex marriage are highly analogous to laws prohibiting interracial marriage; a ban on same-sex marriage can, therefore, be seen as a form of discrimination infringing upon the civil rights of same-sex couples. In response, opponents of same-sex marriage argue that men and women are fundamentally different from one another, whereas interracial couples still fit within the â€Å"one man and one woman†definition of marriage. Political Debates Politics is probably not the most persuasive and valuable example, but all the point should still be presented. The president of the US, although he is not very popular, called for a ban of the same sex marriages in 2004. He said the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and laws banning same-sex marriage in 38 states â€Å"express an overwhelming consensus in our country for protecting the institution of marriage.†The Defense of Marriage Act, signed by President Clinton, prevents federal recognition of same-sex marriage and allows states to ignore same-sex licenses from outside their borders. The debate over marriage has continued. There was another issue of the heated discussion that took place recently: the Marriage Protection Amendment of June 2006. Previously, on July 14, 2004, the Senate voted on a procedural motion to debate the Marriage Protection Amendment (S.J. Res 40) which would have led to an eventual vote on the amendment. The effort failed, however, because 60 votes were needed to bring the bill to a vote. Forty-eight Senators voted in favor and 50 opposed. On Thursday, September 30, 2004, the House of Representatives voted on the Marriage Protection Amendment, H.J. Res. 106. A two-thirds majority is required to pass an amendment. The MPA received a simple majority with a vote of 227 to 186.It did not pass in 2006 either. The society is not ready to take any serious step for or against this controversial issue. And although uncertainty is not the best option, we hardly have any by now. Most common claims and refutations Scott Bidstrup in his essay â€Å"Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives†summarizes the most common claims against marriage, such as: Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman. Same-sex couples aren’t the optimum environment in which to raise children. Gay relationships are immoral. Marriages are for procreation and ensuring the continuation of the species. Same-sex marriage would threaten the institution of marriage. Marriage is traditionally a heterosexual institution. Same-sex marriage is an untried social experiment. Same-sex marriage would start us down a â€Å"slippery slope†towards legalized incest, bestial marriage, polygamy and all kinds of other horrible consequences. Granting gays the right to marry is a â€Å"special†right. Sodomy should be illegal and was until very recently. Gay marriage would mean forcing businesses to provide benefits to same-sex couples on the same basis as opposite-sex couples. Gay marriage would force churches to marry gay couples when they have a moral objection to doing so. He also claims there are real reasons people oppose gay marriage, namely: Just not comfortable with the idea. It offends everything religion stands for. Marriage is a sacred institution. Gay sex is unnatural. Making love to another man betrays everything that is masculine. The thought of gay sex is repulsive. They might recruit. Of course, all these claims are disproved and derided in the essay of this free-lance writer and political activist who has been active in human rights issues and the gay rights movement, specializing in youth and marriage rights issues, since coming out as a gay man in 1994. Recent evidence supports most and legislation, especially on the example on the Denmark, which has accepted gay marriage long ago (although this statement is refuted in Stanley Kurtz’s articles â€Å"The End of Marriage in Scandinavia†and â€Å"Dutch Debate: Marriage is in decline in the Netherlands†). But even if Mr. Bidstrup was right and there would be no evidence opposing his statements, all this disproof of common statements sounds wonderfully convincing for those who seek to hear it. For the homophobes, religious people and conservatives, though, there are still numerous points to argue over. I believe that all humans have the right to freedom of choice, and if homosexuals seek justice, why shouldn’t homophobes? Do people have to be forced to accept the amendment (if it is accepted), even if they do not wish to? Let us now not discuss the reasons why people support or oppose the idea of same-sex marriage or same-sex relationships in general. By the way, in his essay, Scott Bidstrup states that â€Å"more than half of all people in the United States oppose gay marriage, even though three-fourths are otherwise supportive of gay rights. It means that many of the same people who are even passionately in favor of gay rights oppose gays on this one issue†. Why does it happen? Because the society is too conservative on the issue of marriage, Bidstrup would hint. But is it too bad actually? It is natural for humans to try to protect what they have known to be true (marriage is a union of a man and a woman). And opposing something that causes a cognitive dissonance i s quite comprehensive, if not normal. The fact that homosexual relationships are accepted in society might be explained by the fact that as long as such relationships do not interfere with somebody’s freedoms, they are understandable and acceptable. The change of the idea of marriage and the status of the same-same relationships would, in fact, influence the whole society, and even those to disapprove of it would be forced to accept it. And this is the violation of freedom rights for those who traditionally see marriage and do not want this notion to change the meaning for any sake possible. If those who pursue same-sex relationships do have the rights to freedom, why should the rest be deprived of it? I am sure one of the most active proponents of the traditional marriage is the religion. The teachings of the three most prominent religions in America – Christianity, Judaism, and Islam – all declare gay and lesbian sexual behavior to be immoral. Christians state that same-sex marriage goes against biblical teaching, for example, Genesis 19:5 (Sodom and Gomorrah Destroyed). Other passages are Leviticus 18:22, Leviticus 20:13, and in the New Testament of the Bible, First Corinthians 6:8-10 and Romans 1:24-27 which, by a literal interpretation, prescribes the death penalty for homosexual contact. Pope John Paul II, referring to same-sex marriage, said: â€Å"It is legitimate and necessary to ask oneself if this is not perhaps part of a new ideology of evil, perhaps more insidious and hidden, which attempts to pit human rights against the family and man.†By the way, it is Pope John Paul II has been well known for his liberal views on many aspects of life. Still, he disproved the idea of same-sex marriage, for marriage in its traditional sense is one of the most sacred values of the church. Of course, one could claim many other religions are not as strict and do not ban the idea, but what shall we do with the three most common? Should we ignore the majority? Why should we deprive them of their rights to have an opinion? I would rather refrain from supporting either part because there would always be persuasive and valuable arguments from both sides. But I believe that everyone has a right to a freedom of choice and neither side should be deprived of it.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA
Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA Description of Oysters and Clams Oyster is a type of seafood with high nutritional value both to marine life and human beings. Experts note that the plant is normally high in fat, protein, Iron and Vitamin D (Judy, 2010). However, oysters are not only part of marine and human nutritional delicacies; they are also an integral part of the sea environment. In the US Gulf coast, oysters are located near the shores (Freeman, 2010).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Due to the close proximity to dry land, oysters and clams play a vital role in the prevention of shoreline and wetland erosion because they act as a natural barrier to slow down tidal waves (which cause wetland erosion). Due to this reason (and several subsequent factors), oysters and clams contribute significantly to the environment because besides purifyi ng seawater, Oysters and Clams are aquatic plants that provide shelter to other marine life (Freeman, 2010, p. 1). In the purification of seawater, oysters prevent the occurrence of algal bloom. This is the major reason why oysters and clams are usually perceived to be the backbone of marine life since they are at the centre of the food chain, providing food to other aquatic life. Despite the integral role oysters and clams play in the sea ecosystem, sea pollution (like the recent BP oil disaster) significantly affects sea eco-balance and subsequently, the sustainability of seafood for humans. This study analyses the impact of the BP oil disaster on the Gulf Coast of Mexico. Immediate Impact of the Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams Though it is scientifically proved that adult oysters can potentially reduce the harmful impact of toxic petrochemicals, it is also a well-known fact that these petrochemicals can significantly kill oyster larvae (Freeman, 2010, p. 1). This effect is only fe lt in the short-term because in the long-term, it is feared that the chemical dispersants which were used to break the oil cover may have a long-lasting impact on the oysters. The method used to eliminate the oil spill (through fresh water release) was also disastrous to the beds of oysters and clams because it killed all growing oysters in the region (Freeman, 2010, p. 1).Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Freeman (2010) affirms that â€Å"†¦..importantly, this freshwater release killed the oysters growing on the interior of the estuaries, an area protected from the oil and chemicals that were washing up on the intertidal oyster beds along the coast†(p. 1). There were more concerns registered from environmental officials analyzing the impact of the oil spill because it was feared that the chemicals used were killing the oysters and clams too. It was also reported that the oil spill also negatively affected the reproduction of oysters because they normally produce sperms and eggs in the water to fuse and grow into oysters, but the oil spill caused them to close their shells and eventually suffocate the oyster larvae (Weise, 2010). Current Impact of the Oil Spill’s on Oysters and Clams The real impact of the BP oil disaster on the oysters and clams cannot be easily quantified because it is feared that small sea animals may have consumed the petrochemicals from the oil spill (plus the chemicals used to curb the oil spill). These small sea animals will consequently be eaten by larger fish and finally by humans, to affect comprehensively the general eco-balance of sea life. Already, oyster growth and numbers have been severely affected by the oil spill and it is still difficult to quantify the damage caused by their death on sea life. Moreover, scientists have observed that it is sometimes difficult to quantify the re al impact of the oil spill because the effect of the oil impact is interlinked with other disasters waiting to happen (Judy, 2010, p. 3). However, it is assumed that some adult oysters may not have been severely affected by the oil spill because they have the capability of reducing the negative effect of the toxins. However, the small oyster larvae may have died in large numbers. The reason, why it is said that mature oysters may potentially survive the oil spill is because when mature oysters taste oil, they close as a result. Though they may not increase in number (because of the curtailing effect of the oil spill), it is assumed that the plants will generally survive (Judy, 2010, p. 3).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Impact of the BP Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams in Gulf Coast USA specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Long-term Impact of the Oil Spill on Oysters and Clams The long- term impact of the oil sp ill on the oysters and clams is not easy to determine because the larvae are said to die from the effects of the oil spill but the mature oysters are said to survive the oil spill (Freeman, 2010, p. 2). However, it should be noted that the oil spill significantly affected the oyster beds and this may have a long-term impact on the number of oysters in the sea. Consequently, this means that the number of oysters and clams will potentially reduce, but the situation will normalize once the reproduction process of the oysters start again. Nonetheless, as a result of the reduction in oyster numbers, the marine ecosystem maybe affected because the eco-balance will be destabilized. The situation is expected to normalize after a year because the oil disaster struck at the reproduction period and it may take another year for the situation to normalize again. Impact of the Oil Spill on the Louisiana Economy Impact on Economy during the Spill Effect on Fishing Industry The BP oil disaster was identified to have significantly affected the operation of the Louisiana economy because Louisiana is known to supply about 40% of America’s seafood (Weise, 2010). Because of health reasons, some of the oyster beds along the Louisiana coastline were closed. This closure was bound to affect the supply of seafood in America and consequently the economy of Louisiana because for example, about 23% of all red-snapper fish caught in the US came from the state of Louisiana. Moreover, since fish can swim away from the zone of oil spillage, it is feared that subsequent harvests are bound to be affected by the fish migration. Consequently, Louisiana fishers are bound to be significantly affected, in terms of low fish production. Effect on Oil Industry The oil spill had a significant impact on the economy of Louisiana and the surrounding marine life, but in the same manner, there was also a significant impact on the oil industry.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Not to mention the volumes of oil lost in the spillage, one significant impact of the oil disaster was the financial damages brought about by law suits and cost directed towards clearing the oil spill. In total, BP lost millions of dollars in financial damages and costs that went into restoring the company’s image and reputation in the eyes of the public. Effect on Restaurants and Tourism The hospitality industry also suffered great losses as a result of the oil spill because restaurants suffered insufficient supply of seafood because of the death of sea animals and the ensuing health risks posed by the oil spill on seafood. Tourism was equally affected because the sea was polluted with petrochemicals from the oil spill and in the same manner; the sea was also polluted by chemicals meant to clear the oil spill. Hotels and resorts were therefore significantly affected because leisure activities at the shores were prohibited, consequently leading to a low turnout of visitors. C urrent Impact on the Louisiana Economy Fishing Industry Currently, the fishing industry is slowly recovering from the impact of the oil spill after it was cleared. However, the industry is still wiling under the long-term effects of the oil spill because the population of oysters reduced as a result of the oil spill and consequently, fishers have to deal with competition from other seafood suppliers who have invaded its primary market to supplement its shortfall. Oil industry After the oil spill, the oil industry is still suffering from the effects of negative publicity as a result of the extensive damage the oil spill did on the environment and people’s livelihoods. It may probably take a long time before public confidence is restored. Restaurants and Tourism Restaurants and the tourism sectors also have to contend with waning public confidence about the impact of the oil spill on their services. For instance, many customers are now shunning seafoods in restaurants because o f the fear that it may be unsafe to consume seafood because of the negative impact of the oil spill on aquatic life. Tourism is also suffering in the same regard because many visitors are still not confident to use the sea. Cleaning After the Spill After the oil spill cleanup, the sea situation has not come back to normal because scientists are still grappling with the problem of transferring oyster larvae from healthy sources into the affected areas. After this process is completed, it may take a long time before the situation goes back to normal. In concurrence to these efforts, environmental bodies have also sued BP for the environmental damages it has caused. Most of these cases are yet to be finalized (Mcgill, 2011). Conclusion The BP oil spill has caused extensive damages not only to the environment but people’s livelihoods as well. It is difficult to undo such a disaster in a couple of weeks or months and therefore the impact of the oil spill is yet to be completely el iminated. More so, its impact on the growth of oysters and clams may have a long-term impact on the marine ecosystem and therefore the comprehensive damage of the oil spill cannot be accurately determined. Nonetheless, it is no doubt that the effect of the oil spill is very extensive. References Freeman, M. (2010). The Oil Spill’s Impact on Gulf Coast Oysters. Web. Judy, J. (2010). Oil Spill Threatens Gulf Oysters, May Impact Seafood Worldwide. Web. Mcgill, K. (2011). Lingering Effects of BP Oil Spill Topic for Oyster Industry Leaders. Web. Weise, E. (2010). Spills Effects Unlikely To Make Way to Grocery Aisles. Web.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Character Analysis Of Hamlet
Character Analysis Of Hamlet Hamlet is very brave in that he does not fear a challenge. Hamlet at times can prove to be very cautious, at times he thinks when he should act, however when you are king there can be advisors for such matters. â€Å"Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Bear’t that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man.†(William Shakespeare, â€Å"Hamlet†, Act 1 Scene 3) Many times in history leaders should have thought, when instead they acted on impulse, for example Odysseus, from â€Å"The Odyssey†when he and his men escaped the island of the Cyclops instead of tucking his tail and being happy with his slight victory after taking numerous loses, he instead taunted the Cyclops and brought harm near his crew and to himself. For Odysseus di d not know that the father of this monster was the water god Poseidon. Odysseus like all heroes, his main downfall was hubris, and because Hamlet thinks so before he acts he avoids mistakes like this adding to his attributes as a good leader. He can also be as brave as Hercules, for instance when he travels to see the Ghost of his father for the first time, he could have sunk back and ran from the very sight of it, but instead he ran after it and confronted the Ghost and demanded answers. He did not fear what he could not understand as his companions that accompanied him did, instead he was assertive and got to the bottom of the matter. Another account when Hamlet showed quick thinking and bravery was when he intercepted a letter from his Uncle Claudius to the King of England ordering the death of Hamlet on his arrival to England, instead of running and hiding Hamlet used his wits and changed the letter from his head to be had to that of his deliverers. Then in a challenge of swords by Laretes, known to be one of the very best swordsman in his land, Hamlet does not back down. Hamlet takes the challenge head on proving his worth in battle. The fact that Hamlet is his father’s son is very important, he was there behind his father always watching and observing how a king did and should behave, he saw his father’s bravery and his mistakes and Hamlet could use all these experiences to make himself a better king even better than his father. He is of a bloodline of kings, a tradition that is to be kept and Hamlet would have been next in line. The job of taking the throne was in his blood when he assumed the responsibility, ready or not he would have known what to do. â€Å"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.†(William Shakespeare, â€Å"Hamlet†, Act 2 scene 2)
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Obesity in the United States Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Obesity in the United States - Research Paper Example Obesity not only brings concern about health but it adds to the financial burden too. Obesity augments the health care costs. Estimates reveal that obesity accounts for approximately 10% of yearly medical expenses, increasing the obesity-associated medical costs to $147 billion in 2008. Obesity has reached an alarming position in USA, and two well distinguished categories have been demonstrated namely obese and extreme obese. Findings disclose that over one-third adults of United States adults were found to be obese during the year 2007–2008 (Flegal, 2010). According to The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the incidence of obesity in the United States could be estimated by means of data for height to weight ratio. The prevalence rate of obesity display that there was a steady increase in obesity equally in both the sexes belonging to all ages from 1976 -1980 to 1988-1994. On the other hand the trend in obesity augmentation between 1988-1994 and 1999-2 000 was significant in other ages except for the males belonging to the age between 40 to 59 years. While data analysis from 2001-2002 to 2003-2004 recommended escalating trends since 1999-2000 in males and not in females (Flegal, 2006).? Concern Government is showing great concern about the "obesity epidemic" as 60% Americans are obese. In Fat Politics, Eric Oliver unearths the real story behind America's "obesity epidemic." According to Oliver a handful of physicians, government administrators, and health researchers, along with financial patronage commencing the medicine and weight-loss business, have crusaded to miscategorize more than sixty million Americans as "overweight," to enhance the health perils of being fat, thereby promoting the thought that obesity is a destroyer illness. Scientific evidence was also reviewed by Oliver displaying a slight proof also that obesity grounds so many ailments and demises or that loss of weight could make people healthier. Our concern with obesity is stimulated more by communal discrimination, routine politics, and business earnings as compared to the scientific fact. This kind of prevailing misinformation, according to Oliver, is the factual predicament with prevailing obesity in America. Creating a belief that one has to be lean and thin, proponents of the "obesity epidemic" are pushing millions of inhabitants for America towards hazardous surgeries, crash diets, and harmful diet drugs. This fat obsession is becoming a jeopardy for most of the Americans (Oliver, 2005). Discussion Overweight is followed by obesity in many cases where weight control measures are not considered or given significance. It occurs due to discrepancy between the consumption of food and the utilization of calories. The quality of food also matters, if the diet is rich in fats and carbohydrates then surplus fats starts accumulating leading to obesity. A child who is obese will grow to be an obese adult. The triggering factors could be varied, starting from loneliness to eating discipline.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Shannon made a large impact Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Shannon made a large impact - Assignment Example As mentioned earlier, Shannon’s paper ‘Cryptography: A Mathematical Theory’ was meant for use by a limited number of people. This classification was due because the theory as proposed by Shannon could be used by opposing forces to decode encrypted messages both from the American troops during wartime. Furthermore, it was essential to keep the content of the paper confidential to protect the technology from access by unauthorized people both within the country and in other countries, especially the Germans (Shannon, p 4). The importance of ensuring secrecy remains evident in his writings, where he focused on exploring the possibility of realizing perfect secrecy. ‘It is shown that perfect secrecy is possible but requires, if the number of messages is finite, the same number of possible keys†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Shannon, p. 5). Later, Shannon would ensure that the enemy could not decode encrypted information between the British Prime Minister and the US President at the
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Workplace Literacy Program Essay Example for Free
Workplace Literacy Program Essay Workforce development There is a symbiotic relationship between skilled workers and productivity. In an ideal workplace, workers must have sufficient knowledge of their individual tasks and be equipped with the necessary skills in order to better perform their work, avoid mistakes, deal with other organizational members without any difficulty, and increase the level of production. Nowadays it is necessary for every job applicants to be competitive, literate, skilled at writing and listening skills, and be able to perform a given task. It is important that human resources must be able to adapt to technological and technical developments taking place in a workplace or a particular industrial setting. Workforce development is indispensable in bracing the competitiveness of human resource through carefully planned programs and activities (Giguere, 2008, p. 238). This kind of development is not just the concern of individual employees but most importantly the company or employer himself. Both entry-level employee and existing personnel must be able embark on training skills in order to enhance their performance in a variety of service, interpersonal and administrative areas. In this regard, there are various areas to be improved on the part of human resource. To secure career development workforce must be able to improve their human resource skills through a systematic and practical programs. When it comes to technical aspects, it is also imperative to improve the workforce knowledge in computer networking and to embark on basic computer training. The problem why a workplace is saddled with low productivity is because there is no existing or fully developed workforce development program aimed at honing the skills of both entry-level and old personnel. Workplace literacy program, on the other hand, is aimed at enhancing the literacy level of both the employed and unemployed (Drago-Severson, 2004). This has been the focus of the federal government for nearly three decades in order to reduce the level of adult illiteracy. This only means that literacy has a huge impact on businesses which all seek to acquire literate and competitive workers. Apart from being a national priority, there is also a growing concern among businesses in regard to increasing adult literacy (Goad, 2002, p. 123). We are all aware of the huge impact of adult illiteracy on businesses. This concern was goaded by fast-paced technological development and the risk of foreign competition. The only answer to this scenario is an increased adult literacy and to improve workforce basic skill requirements. Recruitment plan Like any literacy and workforce development program in the past, recruitment is on a voluntary basis. Anyone who thinks he/she needs to improve his/her literacy skills is welcome to enlist or enroll in the program. However, those identified that will attend this program are both teenage and adult people who lack the necessary literacy skills to exist in a work environment. The main target of this program are people like Catalina who aspires to improve her career or work, which is the only means to improve her family’s economic standing and to have a quality time with her children. There are a lot of Hispanic and other immigrants in the United States who are fit to undergo this program, especially now that most businesses demand better literacy skills and competency among job applicants. The recruitment process may be made through building connections with businesses and through direct contact with potential subjects. Pre-assessment Plan Considering the ongoing economic crisis there is a need to implement this program whose purpose is to ensure career development, increase adult literacy rate, and raise workers’ productivity and competence through corporate-based and practical lessons and activities. Apart from this, this is the time wherein immigrants have to be more competitive in order to be acquired and to exist in the job marketplace being dominated by American citizens. Initially, there should be difference between workforce development and workplace literacy program based on the practical industry requirements. Workforce development should mainly center on soft skills or human resource skills, while workplace literacy should focus on basic skills needed by an employee. Instructional Design As already stated above, there should be a gap between workforce development and workplace literacy program. For the workforce development program, three areas should be mainly considered a) human resource skills; b) computer networking; and c) basic computer training. For the human resource skills, the following courses or lessons shall be implemented: Handling difficult people: the purpose of this lesson is to train or motivate people how to deal properly with other organizational members, particularly the snotty executives and employers. Certainly this centers on human relations within a particular workplace. Other things to be considered are problem approaches and problem-solving techniques, as well as supervision of difficult workers. Developing positive attitude: This lesson shall focus on motivating employees to think big, to think out of the box, and to think independently. Communication Skills: some of the important subjects to be tackled here are effective communication, giving and receiving criticism, giving and receiving feedbacks, meeting skills, as well as business writing. Conflict Management: some of the important lessons to be taken here are the effective ways to manage conflict in the workplace, giving and receiving criticism, resolving and managing conflicts, negotiating and arbitration, among others. Effective listening: this lesson shall focus on good listening skills on how to be an attentive listener. The role of communication and listening shall also be tackled in order to better inform the program attendee. Costumer service skills: This must be mastered by all program attendee whether they choose to work as costumer service provider or not. The lessons to be tackled here are the effective ways to deal with costumers, how to be in control when dealing with costumers, serving them, giving and receiving costumer feedback, and how to achieve outstanding costumer service. Career development and personal improvement (Rothwell, Gerity Gaertner, 2004, p. 1): The main focus of this lesson is to uplift employees’ self-esteem. Other subjects to consider are goals and setting them, enhancing positive assertiveness, time management, team-work skills, and successful long-term learning (Gallo, 2004). Interviewing skills: For entry-level personnel this aspect is very important. Program attendees should be informed of what to expect during the actual interview session. Leadership training: Under this lesson, some of the subjects to be considered are the importance of team leading, how to manage a team, mentoring and coaching, effective project management, team building, and motivating at work. For basic computer training, the following areas must be focused on: desktop operating systems (e.g. Microsoft Windows XP), suites, word processing, spreadsheet, presentation graphics, desktop publishing, database, internet, and network operating systems. On the other hand, for workplace literacy program, the following must be taken into account (Hull, 1997, p. 8): Knowing how to learn: This gives the attendee the importance of long-term learning, why there is a need to learn, and how to learn. Reading, writing and computation skills Listening and oral communication Creative thinking and problem solving When it comes to the philosophical framework of the program, it must be based on Objectivism wherein self-interest should be taken as the moral goal of an employee. A rational philosophy is needed in every workplace so that workers may be able to think rationally, independently and effectively. Instructional Staff All instructional staff must possess at least industry-based knowledge or work experience. Members of the instructional team must have finished college or taken up masters, but what is important is that they have an objective industry-based knowledge and that they have been in the profession for at least two years. However this two-year requirement is not necessary as long as the result of the written examination, interview and then practical examination show that they are qualified to be member of the instructional staff. Administrative and Support Services For the support services, the program attendees shall need the following: library with study room, computer laboratory for basic computer training, decent classrooms equipped with a computers, projectors, chairs and study tables. There should also be a community room wherein all attendees shall be free to interact with each other in order to from personal and professional bonding. As for the administrative services, there should be an administrative office to be composed of administrative officers. Administrative staff shall include an institute or program secretary, checkers, evaluators, and all other administrative staff needed for the success and continuation of the program. A program website, as well as a practical Information Technology infrastructure is also needed to better serve the needs of the program attendees. Program enrollees or attendees shall be encouraged to submit their works and projects through the website in order for them to enhance their computer and communication skills. Evaluation and Assessment Plan Workforce development and workplace literacy programs are indeed important instruments in raising adult literacy and making their competitive in the job marketplace (Boyle, 2001, p. 11). However, the success of this kind of program depends upon the effectiveness of the instructional design which is to carryout the underlying aims and objectives of the program. There is a need to split workforce development and workplace literacy program because they have different objectives and ends. Workforce development is synonymous to career development, which can only be achieved through improvement of human resource skills. The purpose of this program is to encourage workers to apply whatever they have learned to their workplace. On the other hand, workplace literacy program aims to reduce adult illiteracy in the industrial setting through vocational skills. Under this overall program, what is being developed and improved are not just the basic literacy and computer skills of the workers, but also interpersonal and goal-setting skills, their self-esteem, as well as costumer service and leadership abilities. With all these factors and design in mind, there is no doubt that this program will succeed and will be able to produce more able, more literate and more competent workers in the future. Resources: Boyle, M.E. (2001) The new schoolhouse.: Literacy, managers and beliefs. Westport, CT: Prager. Drago-Severson, E. (2004). Becoming adult learners: Principals and practices for effective development. NY: Teachers College Press. Gallo, M.L. (2004). Reading the world of work. Malabar, FL: Krieger. Giguere, S. (2008). More Than Just Jobs: Workforce Development in a Skills-based Economy. Paris, France: OECD Publishing Goad, T.W. (2002). Information Literacy and Workplace Performance. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood Publishing Group. Hull, G. (ed). (1997). Changing work, changing workers. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press. Rothwell, W.J., Gerity, P.E. Gaertner, E.A. (2004). Linking Training to Performance: A Guide for Workforce Development Professionals. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Community College
Thursday, November 14, 2019
cinco de mayo :: essays research papers
     â€Å"Mexicamos, Viva Mexico†is cried out by the Mexican president every 16th of September as done by Miguel Hidalgo in 1821, after the traditional bell ringing is finished the national anthem is sang. Similar to the 4th of July celebration with parties, fireworks, ceremonies, except they also get bullfights also.      In search for independence a priest decided to take matters into his own hands and lead a revolution against the Spanish government, but he was executed immediately. His execution inspired another priest to continue the rebellion and brought together the Criollos, but more auguring was to continue until the country found a way of government both sides were satisfied with.      Once the Criollos found out that the French forces that had occupied Spain, had imprisoned their leader King Ferdinand VII, they decided that they wanted to take control of the government. Leading the revolution was a catholic priest named Miguel Hidalgo. They wanted to establish Mexico as an independent country. Noone wanted confrontation with Spanish military though. Word spread fast and soon enough the Spanish was informed of a rebellion against them. That left Hidalgo with little time he had to act fast and start the rebellion early. In Dolores, Hidalgo gave his famous speech known as the Grito de Dolores, to Indians and mestizos that were called upon to rebel against the Spanish. The whole idea of the rebellion was so the Mexicans could govern their own land and that was enough drive for a war so the battle began.      The begging of the battle was very gruesome and bloody instead of having a political fight. The Indians had to fight against the Spanish artillery with there clubs, slings, axes, and machetes. His men were outnumbered, and some Indian communities wouldn’t fight because the battle was so bloody. Hidalgo had to retreat and was later executed in 1811. In 1813 another priest continued Hidalgo’s struggle. Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon attracted the Criollos. He came close to Mexican independence by bringing together a congress that wrote a constitution for a Mexican republic. He was also later captured by the Spanish and executed in 1815. In 1816 King Ferdinand was back on the throne. All rebels were killer by the Spanish and Ferdinand misunderstood the Criollos movement for there traitorous ways he put heavy taxes on them and organized a strong army to stop any revolution movement. Most Criollos could not trust Spain.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Offer and Acceptance
For a Simple contract to be valid one party must make an offer and the other accept it (see: Acceptance of offer). The offer will usually indicate the form the acceptance should take (e. g. , in writing, by post), and may indicate when the acceptance will be deemed to have occurred (e. g. , on delivery of the posted acceptance, see: Acceptance of offer by post). In seeking to prove that a contract was in existence, it will be necessary to show that there was a definite offer. Certain things look like offers, but aren't always what they seem. Here are some examples. Invitations to treat are not offers (see: Invitation to treat). For example, putting an item on display in a shop window with a price label is not an offer, it is merely an invitation to treat. Pre-contractual negotiations, particularly in Conveyancing, may have the appearance of offers, but it will be necessary to satisfy the courts that a real offer has been made. Tenders (see: Tender) are not offers unless they are construed as a Unilateral contract. An offer can be withdrawn (revoked) at any time up to acceptance, provided it is communicated appropriately to the offeree. There are a few of complications with this. Placing a notice of the withdrawal in the post does not constitute the withdrawal; it has to be received and understood by the offeree (see: Byrne vvan tienhov en (1880)). If the offer forms the basis for a unilateral contract, it can be difficult to revoke. Typically the offerer must take reasonable steps to revoke the offer in the same form as it was originally made. For example, if the offer was made in a newspaper, then it should probably be revoked the same way. Moreover, it is particularly problematic if a unilateral offer is revoked before full completion of the act that constitutes the acceptance. In Carlill v Carbolic, for example (see: Carlill v carbolic smoke ball co (1893)), Mrs Carlill was able to demonstrate that she had completed the acceptance, so Carbolic could not have escaped its obligations be revoking the offer. However, suppose Mrs Carlill had started using the Smoke Ball, and written to Carbolic expressing her wish to claim the compensation if it failed. If Carbolic had withdrawn the offer at that time, could the agreement be enforced? There is no clear ruling on this; the decision in Errington v Errington sees to imply that once the acceptors consideration is executory (that is, Mrs Carlill has begun using the Smoke Ball), then the offer cannot be revoked (see: Errington v errington (1951)). There are, however, some cases with the opposite conclusion. An offer may be self-terminating if the terms of the offer include, for example, a time limit for acceptance. If no time limit is given, an offer may be deemed by the courts to have expired after a ‘reasonable time'. This will be the case even if the offerers have not explicitly revoked the offer. The death of either the offerer or offeree, prior to acceptance, probably constitutes a revocation of the offer.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nature of Thought Paper
Nature of Thought Paper Robert D. Morris II University of Phoenix Online PHL 251 Devon Smith * * Nature of Thought Paper * * The idea of thought in and of itself requires critical thinking to define. Thinking is an abstract concept that could take on virtually any definition provided to it. In fact, I quote something I once stated which was â€Å"Critical Thinking is our personal way of receiving information (whether it be verbal, written, visual, or received by one of our other senses), evaluating the information against our beliefs, experiences, situation, external factors and ultimately coming to a decision. (Morris, 2012). * Having stated and quoted that, there are many times when my perception of a situation does not represent the reality of the situation. One’s personal influence on how they interpret facts and information through their cultural beliefs and emotions can have drastic impacts on the output and their view of the situation. I can remember back to a recent j ob I applied for. I was very interested in working for SAP America. I had been supporting SAP solutions at a public utility I had been working for, but I felt like at SAP I could make a larger impact. Although SAP is a large company with many careers paths, there were two career paths I considered. The first was position as a consultant which is a position where I would help utility companies who have purchased the SAP software implement them. This was a position much closer to what I was already doing with my current company. The second and the one in which I applied for was a position where I develop solution suites and then demo the solutions to the utilities considering purchasing software to meet their business needs. Upon researching the position, I had come to a specific understanding of what the role was and it turned out the role was much different than I thought. Why? It was most likely perceptual blocks that caused the disconnection. * Before I discuss the process I used to arrive at my perception of the position, I’d like to describe what I thought the position was as opposed to what the position actually was.First, I believed the position was a technical position that required technical skills in which the primary role is to configure the demo system, be present during demos to demonstrate the system and assist the sales team during technical discussions. * The reality of the role is that this position actually is a sales position. Technical skills are not required but can be helpful, and the individual fulfilling this role in the sales process is there to articulate the value of the software, actively participate in sales discussions, and focus more on selling than on advising, including cross-selling and up-selling. The primary disconnect is that I believed the role to be more technical where the individual supported the sales team, but the role is directly on the sales team. * The perceptual process that was used when arriving at my view of the position looked like the following: * Do I have any personal experience to draw from? * Do I have any information or documentation to review? * Can I find new or more information to review? * Is there anyone I can talk to that can provide information? * Once I gather enough information, I then evaluate the information.I determine the source for credibility and begin to derive a position. In some cases, no matter how much information is available and how credible the source of that information, personal barriers can get in the way of honestly interpreting the information. * One of the reasons there may have been a difference in my perception of the position and the reality of the position could be that in addition to the logical components of my perceptual process, there were also components at a subconscious level influencing my perception as well.In my psyche, I had a picture of the position and I believe I wanted that picture to hold true. Therefore, even as I obtained mor e knowledge and facts, I may have subconsciously readjusted the way I consumed the information in order for my perception to hold true which as a perceptual block. * When I think back as to how I came to a perceived reality of the position I was applying for, I think the personal barriers that came into play during this process were: denial and rationalization.Personal barriers are personal beliefs or subconscious thoughts that hinder our ability to honestly and accurate assess a situation. In my case and in this situation, I attempted to rationalize what I heard and what I read into logical thoughts that met my expectations. I denied taking what I heard at face value and opted to put my own perceptive spin on the information. * Personal barriers can play a major role in thought and how one perceives reality.In my case I suffered from rationalization and denial, but there are other barriers such as religious barriers, enculturation, projection, and anger (Thinking 2007) to name a fe w. It is important to recognize these barriers in advance when possible; otherwise resulting decisions can have lasting impacts. In my case I accepted a position that is not exactly what I was looking for. I have a great job, work with great people and for a great company, but the work is not what I was expecting. Some days I really enjoy it where as others not so much.If I had a firm grasp on the role exactly as it is I may not have applied for the position, but I’m not sorry I did and I cannot complain. * REFERENCES Kirby, G. R. , & Goodpaster, J. R. , (2007) Thinking: An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking (4th ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Morris, R. (2012, October 17). Re: Wk 1 DQ-1 â€Å"What is Critical Thinking? †[Online forum Comment]. Retrieved from https://classroom. phoenix. edu/afm215/secure/view-thread. jspa? threadID=47848193 Nature of Thought Paper Nature of Thought Paper Robert D. Morris II University of Phoenix Online PHL 251 Devon Smith * * Nature of Thought Paper * * The idea of thought in and of itself requires critical thinking to define. Thinking is an abstract concept that could take on virtually any definition provided to it. In fact, I quote something I once stated which was â€Å"Critical Thinking is our personal way of receiving information (whether it be verbal, written, visual, or received by one of our other senses), evaluating the information against our beliefs, experiences, situation, external factors and ultimately coming to a decision. (Morris, 2012). * Having stated and quoted that, there are many times when my perception of a situation does not represent the reality of the situation. One’s personal influence on how they interpret facts and information through their cultural beliefs and emotions can have drastic impacts on the output and their view of the situation. I can remember back to a recent j ob I applied for. I was very interested in working for SAP America. I had been supporting SAP solutions at a public utility I had been working for, but I felt like at SAP I could make a larger impact. Although SAP is a large company with many careers paths, there were two career paths I considered. The first was position as a consultant which is a position where I would help utility companies who have purchased the SAP software implement them. This was a position much closer to what I was already doing with my current company. The second and the one in which I applied for was a position where I develop solution suites and then demo the solutions to the utilities considering purchasing software to meet their business needs. Upon researching the position, I had come to a specific understanding of what the role was and it turned out the role was much different than I thought. Why? It was most likely perceptual blocks that caused the disconnection. * Before I discuss the process I used to arrive at my perception of the position, I’d like to describe what I thought the position was as opposed to what the position actually was.First, I believed the position was a technical position that required technical skills in which the primary role is to configure the demo system, be present during demos to demonstrate the system and assist the sales team during technical discussions. * The reality of the role is that this position actually is a sales position. Technical skills are not required but can be helpful, and the individual fulfilling this role in the sales process is there to articulate the value of the software, actively participate in sales discussions, and focus more on selling than on advising, including cross-selling and up-selling. The primary disconnect is that I believed the role to be more technical where the individual supported the sales team, but the role is directly on the sales team. * The perceptual process that was used when arriving at my view of the position looked like the following: * Do I have any personal experience to draw from? * Do I have any information or documentation to review? * Can I find new or more information to review? * Is there anyone I can talk to that can provide information? * Once I gather enough information, I then evaluate the information.I determine the source for credibility and begin to derive a position. In some cases, no matter how much information is available and how credible the source of that information, personal barriers can get in the way of honestly interpreting the information. * One of the reasons there may have been a difference in my perception of the position and the reality of the position could be that in addition to the logical components of my perceptual process, there were also components at a subconscious level influencing my perception as well.In my psyche, I had a picture of the position and I believe I wanted that picture to hold true. Therefore, even as I obtained mor e knowledge and facts, I may have subconsciously readjusted the way I consumed the information in order for my perception to hold true which as a perceptual block. * When I think back as to how I came to a perceived reality of the position I was applying for, I think the personal barriers that came into play during this process were: denial and rationalization.Personal barriers are personal beliefs or subconscious thoughts that hinder our ability to honestly and accurate assess a situation. In my case and in this situation, I attempted to rationalize what I heard and what I read into logical thoughts that met my expectations. I denied taking what I heard at face value and opted to put my own perceptive spin on the information. * Personal barriers can play a major role in thought and how one perceives reality.In my case I suffered from rationalization and denial, but there are other barriers such as religious barriers, enculturation, projection, and anger (Thinking 2007) to name a fe w. It is important to recognize these barriers in advance when possible; otherwise resulting decisions can have lasting impacts. In my case I accepted a position that is not exactly what I was looking for. I have a great job, work with great people and for a great company, but the work is not what I was expecting. Some days I really enjoy it where as others not so much.If I had a firm grasp on the role exactly as it is I may not have applied for the position, but I’m not sorry I did and I cannot complain. * REFERENCES Kirby, G. R. , & Goodpaster, J. R. , (2007) Thinking: An interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking (4th ed) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Morris, R. (2012, October 17). Re: Wk 1 DQ-1 â€Å"What is Critical Thinking? †[Online forum Comment]. Retrieved from https://classroom. phoenix. edu/afm215/secure/view-thread. jspa? threadID=47848193
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Funny Birthday Card Messages and Quotes
Funny Birthday Card Messages and Quotes Theres not much better than a spot-on, hilarious line to tickle your funny bone. Everyone wants to wish the birthday person Happy birthday in their own style so why not use some humor? Some people like to use inspirational birthday quotes to express their good wishes, while others enjoy making witty comments about birthdays. However, the ones that are always appealing are the funny birthday quotes. Humor can be a great stress-buster, especially if your comedic timing is on point. How Much Is Too Much? Jokes are always great icebreakers, but what if you cross the threshold of decency? What if your joke, instead of causing ripples of laughter, causes bubbles of fury? To be able to deliver a funny birthday message, you need to be sensitive towards others. If the birthday person has a low tolerance for personal jokes, steer clear of the common pitfalls. That means, no jokes about weight, color, race, gender, or any physical deformity. Politically incorrect humor can boomerang, especially when used in birthday cards. Funny birthday wishes that tease someone about their habits, fears, or idiosyncrasies are usually considered acceptable.Humor also has to be tailored keeping in mind your relation to the birthday person. If you are sending a birthday wish to a very close friend or family member, you can be more wicked in your humor. But you may want to think twice about using dirty humor with your boss, for example. The Done to Death Humor Some jokes are fun the first time you read them, however, when you read the same joke year after year, you tend to get tired of it it is hard to even smile over the stale joke. If you want to pep up your friend with funny quotes, make sure that you have not used them before. If you cant create your own humor, use the help of random funny quotes to create your own humorous line. Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say Humor is a potent medium of communication, and sometimes you run the risk of over communicating. What does that mean? Well, some jokes are full of innuendo, leaving room for different types of interpretation. So watch out for the ones that take off on a tangent. If you intend to use a pun, make sure that you are not offending anybodys sensibilities. How to Use Funny Birthday Messages To successfully pull off a side-splitting birthday message, heres what to do: Think about the person you are sending the birthday message to, and ask yourself, Whats unique about this person? Perhaps she or he is lazy, a workaholic, perhaps she has many pets or is a stickler for cleanliness. Then use this information to scout around the Internet for funny birthday quotes. Having found one that fits the bill, you can either use the original or tweak it to suit your humor style. That way, youll have an original greeting every time you send out birthday wishes. Famous Funny Birthday Quotes Bette DavisOld age is not for sissies. ​ Satchel PaigeHow old would you be if you didnt know how old you are?​ Mitch Hedberg I wanted to buy a candle holder, but the store didnt have one. So I got a cake. ​ Doug CouplandHandmade presents are scary because they reveal that you have too much free time. ​ Norman WisdomAs you get older, three things happen: The first is your memory goes, and I cant remember the other two. Franklin AdamsThe worst gift is a fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other. ​ Al FormanI occasionally get birthday cards from fans. But it’s often the same message: They hope it’s my last. ​ J. P. SearsLet us respect gray hairs, especially our own.​ Maurice ChevalierOld age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative. ​ Benny HillHave you noticed that all the people in favor of birth control are already born? ​ Friedrich NietzscheBlessed are the forgetful: for they get the better even of their blunders. ​ Josh BillingsEvery man has his follies and often they are the most interesting thing he has got. ​ Jane AustenYou have delighted us long enough. I have met a lot of hardboiled eggs in my time, but youre twenty minutes. Sometimes the road less traveled is less traveled for a reason. ​ Bill CosbyA word to the wise aint necessary its the stupid ones that need the advice. ​ C. E. M. JoadMen are like wine. Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age. ​ John P. GrierYou are only young once, but you can be immature for a lifetime. ​ Jim GaffiganPie can’t compete with cake. Put candles in a cake, it’s a birthday cake. Put candles in a pie, and somebody’s drunk in the kitchen. ​ Steven WrightFor my birthday I got a humidifier and a dehumidifier. I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. I can stand brute force, but brute reason is quite unbearable. There is something unfair about its use. It is hitting below the intellect. ​ Dorothy ParkerIf you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to. ​ Colonel SandersTheres no reason to be the richest man in the cemetery. You cant do any business from there. ​ Jack HandeyBefore you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Watson's Theory of Caring in Modern Healthcare Setting Essay
Watson's Theory of Caring in Modern Healthcare Setting - Essay Example At this juncture, Jean Watson’s ‘Theory of Human Caring’ seems to be a vital tool for meeting the objectives of current day nursing practices. Jean Watson Jean Watson was born at West Virginia in United States. She got her graduation from the Lewis Gale School of Nursing in 1961 and earned a B.S. in 1964 from the University of Colorado. After two years of study, Watson acquired an M.S. in psychiatric and mental health nursing from the same university. In 1973, she earned a Ph.D. after completing a series of researches in the field of educational psychology and counseling. Watson focused her researches in the area of human caring and loss and published the theory â€Å"nursing: human science and human care†in 1988. An Overview of the Theory The theory of human caring proposes that caring is the ‘most valuable attribute’ that the nurses has to serve up the humanity (The core concepts of Jean Watson’s theory). In the opinion of the theoris t, if patients do not get effective caring, disease may be cured but illness will remain. Watson strongly argues that caring is the essence of nursing without which patients’ health cannot be retained. The theory suggests that caring greatly helps a person to attain control, to become more knowledgeable, and thus enhance his/her health. Watson also suggests that higher emphasis must be given on patients’ autonomy and freedom of choice, which in turn would add to client self knowledge and self control. According to Blais, Hayes, Kozier, and Erb (2006, p.107), the transpersonal caring relationship, caring occasion, and ten carative factors constitute the elements of Jean Watson’s theory of human caring. Watson’s ‘The ten primary carative’ are; The formation of humanistic-altruistic system of values. The installation of faith-hope. The cultivation of sensitivity to one’s self and to others. The development of a helping-trust relationship. The promotion and acceptance of the expression of positive and negative feelings. The systematic use of the scientific problem-solving method for decision making. The promotion of interpersonal teaching-learning. The provision for a supportive, protective and /or corrective mental, physical, socio-cultural and spiritual environment Assistance with the gratification of human needs. The allowance for existential-phenomenological forces. (Source: ‘Jean Watson’s Philosophy of Nursing’). The first three carative factors represent a well structured philosophical foundation for the science of caring. The remaining seven carative factors emerge from the foundation established by the first three factors. This theory has seven assumptions also. According to Watson (2006), the essence of these assumptions is that caring is the central element of nursing and it must be practiced interpersonally in order to acquire the desired results. The carative factors constitute the con cept of caring and hence it meets the satisfaction of certain human needs. Watson says that the science of caring is complementary to the science of curing or caring is more healthogenic than is curing. In her theory, Watson has clearly classified various human needs according to its nature and importance. She believes that each human need must be equally considered in order to maintain a quality nursing care that promotes optimal health. Watson’s ordering of needs is of three types such as biophysical needs, psychophysical needs, and psychosocial needs. The biophysical needs (lower order needs) include need for food and fluid, elimination, and ventilation. At the same
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Literal Comprehension - Reading Strategies Essay
Literal Comprehension - Reading Strategies - Essay Example Each page and chapter may encompass a tedious load for the student hence command in the subject of discussion is key and rivets a methodological loom involving a number of steps. There is a myriad of textbook reading systems, many of which have three stages in common: a pre-reading stage, a reading stage and a post reading stage. Exposing learners to these systems empowers them to culture a system of critiquing issues, strategic approach to reading and establishing a student centered textbook study system. A proper reading system should entail the learner combing through a given text to unearth its gist. Skimming through the titles and sub headings to decipher issues of uttermost interest, problems highlighted and queries posed. Desist from overemphasis on analysis of pieces. This is encouraged to jumpstart the learners’ innate prowess to overcome torpor and gain impetus for reading. The major discrepancy between an excellent student and poor students is the mode of study. Inadequate students highlight points in textbooks and hope that they will be able to comprehend it later while excellent students use a learning system. A study system enables the student to filter the key ideas under test, and provides a way of settling them through generation of solutions The main difference between good students and poor students is the way they study. Poor students read their textbooks, underline, and hope that the significant points stick in their memories. Good students use a study system. A study system helps you choose the key ideas that are likely to be on a test, and it gives you a way to memorize them. There are many study systems. Some students outline chapters and memorize their outlines. Some students make chapter summaries. But the most efficient study system of all is SQ3R, which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. SQ3R was designed for textbook reading, and it is
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